Friday, December 9, 2011

sem expectativas - without expectations

Deixei tudo para trás
Não levo bagagem
Carrego nada comigo
Estou vazia

Cansei-me das vozes na minha cabeça
De tentar decidir e escolher
Cansei-me dos apegos às coisas e aos outros
Da azáfama de tentar manter essas coisas que não me pertencem

Agora, estou aqui e agora
Quero ouvir esta voz que vem de dentro, lá do fundo
Vou ficar aqui parada até a ouvir
Deixar que as coisas e pessoas venham até mim e que depois vão
Deixar fluir, ir e vir, vir e partir

Cansei-me de empurrar o mundo
Cansei-me de tentar colocá-lo em ordem, controlá-lo
Chega, agora vou apenas deixar fluir
E ver, ver o que vêm e o que não vêm

Decidi render-me, aceitar a vida
Aproveitar o que tenho em vez de chorar pelo que não tenho
Divertir-me e não levar isto tão a sério
Afinal parece que não importa, é apenas um jogo
Uma experiência, não há certos nem errados
E sou eu afinal que crio tudo isto, o que gosto e o que não gosto
Cansei-me de reclamar, de lutar
Quero aproveitar a vida, sentir, descobrir

Olhar o horizonte sem expectativas
Olhar apenas para admirar a sua extraordinária beleza!

I left it all behind
I do not take luggage
I carry nothing with me
I am empty

I got tired of the voices in my head
Trying to decide and choose
I got tired of attachments to things and others
The hustle and bustle of trying to keep these things that do not belong to me

Now, I'm here and now
I want to hear this voice from within, from deep within
I'll be standing here until I listen to it
Letting things and people come to me and then go
Let it flow, come and go, come and go

I got tired of pushing the world
I got tired of trying to put it in order and controlling it
Enough, now I just let it flow
And see, see what come and what does not come

I decided to surrender, accept life
Enjoy what I have instead of crying for what I don't have
Have fun and not take it so seriously
After all it seems it doesn't matter, it's just a game
An experience, there is no right or wrong
And after all I create all this, what I like and what I dislike
I got tired of complaining, fighting
I want to enjoy life, feel, discover

Look at the horizon without expectations
Look just to admire its extraordinary beauty!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Others can't abandon you! Only you can do that... to yourself

You might think others can abandon you but that is not true. Only you can do that.

You abandon yourself when you put your attention on the other and believe that this other can give you things you can not give yourself. You abandon yourself when you cry and get depressed because the other is not present... but you are present and you are neglecting yourself as if you were not important.

You give the other power over you by doing this.

Others can not abandon you! Only you can do it! Love yourself ;)

With love and blessings to you all :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sometimes I am afraid to tell this to others, they might think I am crazy :)

but if that is enough to bring them from a place of complete disbelieve to a place of doubt that will by it self be worth whatever they might think of me.

And with this thought I decided to share it anyway: there is magic in the world, I have seen it! You can believe that you ask and it is given.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Be true to myself and follow my heart!

(se alguém precisar da versão portuguesa, é só dizer ;) )

Once my heart asked me to jump into the abyss... after some consideration, after looking at all the possibilities... I jumped and.... Uau!! it was amazing, I felt so alive.

After that first jump I jumped again... and again it was amazing. And every time I jump I feel more alive and allow myself to see more opportunities, more jumps ;)

My first jump was to quite my job and start a whole new life that I had no idea where it would take me, then I made the trip to Austria and Germany that I could not afford :D and then I jumped again: to live in beautiful Austria.

And now I realized that after jumping there is no turning back, not because it is not possible to undo the jump but because everything less then jumping into the unknown feels like small, feels like fear, feels like not living...

And here I am about to bring into reality my deepest dream: to let my light shine to the world and say what I have to say, say that I can and want to assist/facilitate others to connect with themselves.

But with it comes my deepest fears: what if I am not good enough? what if it does not work out? what will others say/thing about me?

My mind tells me: you can do other things for a living. Yes, I can do millions of things that would bring me money but I don't want to do it, I want to follow my heart, jump again, cross the fire of fear and self-doubt... because anything else feels like not living...

Enough of borders, of limits, of not looking at my fears... I want to do this with all my heart, from the deepest of my heart, with my all 4 hearts ;)

In the last days I have been receiving the message: be true to yourself. Through Lee Harris "May Energy Forecast" and Oriah's book "The invitation" (that I found by change).

Be true to myself and follow my heart!


The only
urgent thing
to do
to live!

A única
coisa urgente
para fazer
hoje é

ist nur zu leben!

(Ich entschuldige mich für meine nicht so gut Deutsch)

A beautiful message

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Am

Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God himself has created you; you cannot be improved.

Osho Ah, This! Chapter 1


A child is born pure and empty. A baby just is, it has no conditioning. But if that soul wants to experience something and it needs borders, beliefs and conditioning, how does it get them? By picking a particular family and environment, to born and grow in.

If you want to experience unworthiness and lack, you can, for example, pick a poor family that believes it is different. A rural environment can provide isolation and lack. Of course, it also depends on the lenses you’re using to look at it.

Sometimes, it is tempting to blame family and the environment where someone grew, for that person’s life. But it is the other way around: each one of us has picked its’ own family and environment to acquire the needed material for the chosen experience.

And by realizing this I made peace with my family and place of birth and growing. What I have experienced it is not their fault, it was my choice: my chosen life experience. And the choice of the lenses is still mine: I can see it has a traumatic experience or as an experience. I chose the pink ones today; I’m bored with the gray ones ;)


Uma criança nasce pura e "vazia". Um bebé, apenas é, não tem nenhum condicionamento. Mas se essa alma quer experimentar algo e precisa de fronteiras, crenças e condicionamento, como é que os adquire? Escolhendo uma determinada família e meio, para nascer e crescer.

Se quiseres experimentar indignidade e escassez, podes, por exemplo, escolher uma família pobre que acredita que é diferente. Um ambiente rural pode também fornecer isolamento e escassez. Claro que também depende das lentes que usas para olhar para tudo isto.

Às vezes, é tentador culpar a família e o ambiente onde alguém cresceu pela vida que essa pessoa tem. Mas é ao contrário: cada um de nós escolheu a sua "própria família e ambiente para adquirir os materiais necessários para viver a experiência escolhida.

Ao perceber isto fiz as pazes com a minha família e com o sítio onde nasci e cresci. O que eu tenho vivido não é culpa deles, foi a minha escolha: a experiência que escolhi viver.

E a escolha das lentes com que olho para tudo isto continua minha: posso vê-lo como uma experiência traumática ou como uma experiência. Hoje escolho as lentes cor de rosa, chega das cinzentas ;)

Answers - Respostas

It amazes me how answers to my questions just keep coming faster and more accurate than ever.
An example: here I was trying to decide what to do. I have a million ideas and don't know where to start... though about writing a question to Lee Harris, for his talk show. Didn't send the question but listened anyway to the show and for my surprise the first question, sent by Natasha, was exactly that: I have a lot of ideas/projects and don't know which to start with. ahahah :D

The answer sounded to be just for me...

Answers always come. But sometimes it is something completely different of what I expected it to be and because of that I cannot "see" it. Other times I'm not ready for the changes the reply would bring to my life and then I "ignore it", like it was not the right answer.

For example: when I was making cookies to sell, I asked for a solution to improve the 1 hour I took to make 1K of cookies. The reply came with a big cookie cutter with different shapes. But I said "it cannot be, my cookies only have one shape." I was not ready to have an easier life so I could not see that reply as being a good solution...

The things I don't "see" or accept, just because I'm too attached to what I know, to what is, ignoring all possibilities, all other potentials that could be.


Continua a espanta-me como as respostas às minhas perguntas chegam cada vez mais rápido e mais precisas do que nunca.

Um exemplo: eu tenho um milhão de ideias e não sei qual concretizar, nem por onde começar... pensei escrever uma pergunta para o talk show do Lee Harris. Não a enviei, mas ouvi de qualquer forma o show e para minha surpresa, a primeira pergunta (enviada pela Natasha) era exatamente a minha questão: eu tenho um monte de ideias / projectos e não sei por onde começar. ahahah :D

A resposta pareceu-me ser mesmo para mim ...

As respostas vêm sempre. Mas às vezes é algo completamente diferente do que eu esperava e por isso não consigo "vê-la".

Outras vezes, eu não estou pronta para as mudanças que a resposta iria trazer à minha vida e por isso "ignoro-a". Como se não fosse a resposta certa. Por exemplo: quando eu fazia bolachas para vender, procurei uma solução para diminuir a 1 hora que demorava a fazer 1K das ditas. A resposta veio na forma dum cortador de bolachas com formas diferentes, mas eu pensei "não pode ser, as minhas bolachas têm uma só forma." Eu não estava pronta para ter uma vida mais fácil por isso eu não podia ver esta resposta como uma boa solução...

As coisas que não "vejo" ou não aceito porque estou muito agarrada aquilo que conheço, ao que é, limitando a mudança que poderia ser.

Merry XMas and an amazing 2011!

Better later than never ;)

Melhor tarde do que nunca ;)